We were very sad to have to say ‘good bye’ to Sarah Hopkins who has been the much loved tutor to this group since its beginning.
We are extremely grateful for the way she has led the group, enabling each member to develop their expertise in this field and grow the confidence to share their work.
We are delighted to announce that we have a new tutor starting this Autumn.
Debbie Jeffery is a journalist and published author who is keen to follow in Sarah’s tradition and support and guide the group going forwards.
As with every activity, there are always funding issues but I can also announce that one of the Teignbridge Councillors has promised a contribution and local artist, Carolyn Moist, has donated some paintings done by her and her friends to raise more funds so the group is secure for the immediate future.
The group, however, is now at capacity so unable to take on any new members for the time being.